Course – What are the Latest Developments in AI relevant for Lawyers and their Clients?

AI Course Latest Developments in AI for Lawyers and Their Clients

Course Content

The course “Latest Developments in AI” provides an in-depth examination of the most recent advancements and innovations in the field of artificial intelligence. The course provides an introduction to the various topics, including machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and robotics.

The course will explore real-world applications of AI, from improving customer experience in e-commerce to streamlining manufacturing processes, and more.

The course also includes a comprehensive exploration of the latest developments in conversational AI, including the cutting-edge technology behind state-of-the-art language models such as ChatGPT, new advanced Text to Image and Text to Video AI.

Who is this Course for:

The course is aimed at lawyers and other Professionals in the Legals Fields, as well as other professionals who are not experts in the subject, but need to get an understanding of the latest development, as part of their profession.
The course may be of particular interest to legal professionals working in IP.

Course Format:

This course will be available online, and in-person.

Course Duration:

1 Hour

There may be an opportunity to expand the course to cover different subjects in more detail

Course participants will receive a Certificate upon Completion

Course Fee


How to Find out More

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